Have you already had liposuction done somewhere else and are not satisfied with the result? Do you have retracted skin texture or ugly scars on your body?
Then, we at Lipoaesthetic in Munich are the ideal contact for you.
With LipoRepair we are able to repair small and larger irregularities. This is a special therapy concept that combines different treatment methods.
Specifically, this includes adhesiolysis, renewed liposuction, liposhifting, subcision, lipofilling and, if necessary, state-of-the-art skin tightening therapies with laser and cold plasma.
Depending on the findings, excess fat is either removed or transferred from one area to another. Or scarring and retractions in the subcutaneous tissue are loosened and then replenished with autologous fat or smoothed with very specific tightening therapies.
In any case, these treatments are always very complex and require a very individual therapy approach.
Adhesiolysis (solution of adhesions), liposuction (UAL+PAL), lipofilling, subcision, Liposhifting, VASER®, Renuvion®, individual therapy
Body, face
1-3 hours
Local or general anaesthesia
Depending on effort - next day to 1 week
In the case of adhesions or retractions, which are usually caused by the fact that the suction was too close to the skin or with too thick a cannula, the tissue layers are no longer able to move properly after liposuction. Adhesion takes place between the subcutaneous layer and the muscle skin, which is difficult to separate again. The therapy of adhesiolysis means that these two layers are separated again.
This is done either with water power in the sense of hydrodissection, i.e. the layers are separated under the water pressure of an infiltration with a thin cannula, or with the VASER®lipo – an ultrasound-supported suction technique. Here, the bonded layers are dissolved with a thin VASER® probe by very fine ultrasonic vibrations.
Once the adhesions have been loosened, the residual fat deposits are removed very carefully and an even skin structure is created.
During this procedure, a superficial liposuction is performed with corresponding very thin cannulas, i.e. a very superficial suction. This is not about removing large fat volumes, but rather about the internal smoothing and cleansing of the subcutaneous fat layer and the fat layer which is located above the muscle skin. For this purpose, the vibration technique, the so-called Power-assisted Liposuction (PAL), is usually used. The very fine vibrations of the suction cannulas enable very gentle and precise work
If there are larger deficits in terms of volume or correctly sucked over areas, an own fat transfer in the sense of lipofilling may also be necessary.
In this case, fatty tissue is removed by suction elsewhere, then prepared accordingly and transferred to the desired or even necessary areas. The transferred autologous fat grows in the implanted area and provides for a volume balance and also for a better vitalization of the tissue as a whole. The adult undifferentiated stem cells, which are abundant in the fatty tissue, are responsible for this
If there is no possibility of gaining your own fat in very slim people or if we still have fat deposits in the direct vicinity of a larger volume deficit, liposhifting can be used in some cases. In this procedure, fatty tissue in areas with excess fat is loosened with the Vaser® device using ultrasound energy and then shifted externally over the skin into an adjacent area with a fat deficit.
Subcision describes a therapy in which thickened and scarred connective tissue strands under the skin are cut through with a sharp blade (scalpel), allowing the skin to relax and unwind. The dents and irregularities caused by the scarred connective tissue strands disappear and the skin becomes smoother. We also use this technique in the area of retracted appendix scars or sectional scars in the abdominal area. The subcision technique is also used in cellulite therapy with Cellfina®.
In the case of very fine tissue structures and restless zones after liposuction, e.g. in the knee and banana roll area, or also in the case of significant excess skin after high-volume liposuction on the outside of the thigh or abdomen, in addition to smoothing and tightening the skin, a firming and tigheting energy such as laser or cold plasma must also be applied to the tissue. These procedures tighten skin and connective tissue in the short term and in the medium term also lead to a significant smoothing of the skin texture by means of increased collagen formation:
This can be achieved with the DiodenLaser – Leonardo®Dual Laser with two wavelengths, which on the one hand reduces fat very gently applied via a very thin glass fibre probe and on the other hand excellently tightens skin and connective tissue in the sense of internal heating.
Alternatively, Renuvion® can also be used. Here, cold plasma is used, i.e. also in the sense of internal heating, the tissue is first heated briefly to 85° C for a few milliseconds with a plasma beam and then immediately cooled by the inflow of helium gas. Thus internal burns are excluded with maximum shrinking effect for skin and connective tissue with subsequent forced collagen regeneration.