
Lipofilling with own fat in Munich: Use of the body’s own resources

A liposuction at Lipoaesthetic in Munich can be combined with lipofilling in almost any combination. Fat removed during liposuction of the abdomen, hips or thighs can be used to model other parts of the body during an autologous fat transfer.

The advantage is that the fat, as an endogenous resource of the body, does not harm the body and that it grows into the tissue compound where it is inserted and also remains there permanently. The treatment is always carried out in close consultation with the patient and his or her wishes and ideas.

The different techniques of autologous fat transfer are highlighted as follows:


    Lipoharvest / Aquavage® and microfilling + macrofilling (autologous fat transfer)


    Body and face


    1.5 hours


    Local anaesthetic


    Next day


    Next day


In microfilling, so-called nano-fat is taken from areas with visible fat deposits using very fine cannulas. These cannulas must be very fine so that the fat is already split into the smallest microparticles when it is removed, so that it can then be reintroduced into the corresponding donor regions via very fine cannulas. Microfilling is mainly used in the facial area, where naturally very fine cannulas must be used. Possible areas of application thus include the filling of wrinkles and fine lines in the face, the padding of sunken areas such as the cheeks and the accentuation of individual facial areas such as the zygomatic bone and chin. Due to the adult stem cells contained in the fat, there is also an indication for the revitalisation of the tissue in the facial area.



Macrofilling is about a corresponding transfer of the body’s own fat. It is possible to work with thicker cannulas, as larger amounts of fat can be transferred in the body area. Fields of application are the compensation of dents or defects from previous liposuctions, the injection of atrophic scars, such as sectional scars or appendicitis scars, or in the context of body contouring, the concreting and filling of whole body regions, such as in the buttocks area (BBL).

How does a lipofilling treatment work?

The removal of autologous fat is done under local anaesthetic and does not leave any scars. With the help of a fine cannula, the fatty tissue is sucked out of the corresponding area by hand. After the fat has been removed, a tape bandage is then applied at this point. It is not necessary to wear a compression corset at these points.

The removed fatty tissue is then cleaned, centrifuged and prepared accordingly and prepared for injection. The actual own fat transfer of the prepared fat is then also performed under local anaesthetic. Using very fine cannulas, the prepared autologous fat is infiltrated into the desired areas – wrinkles are smoothed or lost volume is rebuilt. The treatment takes about 1.5 to 2 hours. The procedure is performed as an outpatient in our practice in Munich and you can go home directly after the treatment.

Result of a lipofilling

The result of a lipofilling treatment in Munich is long-lasting. After transfer of the autologous fat, it must be supplied with blood and nutrients for it to grow again.

Approximately 80% of the transferred fat remains permanently in these places. It should be noted, however, that the inserted fat then behaves in the same way according to your own weight changes. The autologous fat is not a synthetic filler that remains the same in terms of volume.

If you lose weight overall, you will of course lose weight on your face as well. This also applies to larger own fat transfers, such as the Brazilian Butt Lift, where up to 1-1.5 litres of pure fat are transferred to the buttocks.

What are the causes of lipedema?

Complications/risks of own fat transfer

Certain risks are associated with every surgical intervention and can never be completely excluded. There is of course a certain risk of infection at the donor sites as well as in the donor regions. However, due to the very sterile conditions and the use of mainly disposable needles, this risk is extremely low. In general, the risks of autologous fat treatment can therefore be classified as low.

What does the aftercare after lipofilling look like

As the lipofilling treatment is carried out in our practice in Munich on an outpatient basis, you can leave the practice directly atnd go home. As a rule, you can take a taxi or get someone to pick you up after the treatment. You will be socially presentable again the next day. You should avoid physically strenuous activities for 1-2 days. Avoid strong sunlight and visits to the solarium and sauna for the following week after filling.

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