High-Definition Lipo is a special form of contouring liposuction that emphasizes and makes the muscle structure more visible while respecting the natural muscle relief. This can be achieved by means of different thinning of the deeper and superficial fat depots and optionally with an autologous fat transfer.
This liposuction technique in the sense of body sculpting is called High Definition Liposuction, High-Def Lipo, 4D-Liposuction or just HD-Lipo. To model the anatomical body structure, the regions of the abdomen, waist and hips with back are particularly suitable, but also the upper arms, bottom and thighs.
Naturally, this can be better displayed with a trained body, but the body can also be modelled with less defined muscles. However, it is mandatory to do regular muscle training after the operation in order to achieve an optimal result 6 months after the operation. This type of defining suction therefore requires the cooperation of the patient to a greater extent.
VASER® lipo – autologous fat transfer
Butt - LipoHarvest on the abdomen, hips, waist, thighs
3 to 4 Hours
General anesthesia
After 3 Weeks
After 1 week
If the surgeon does not limit himself to pure fat removal, but creates a relief of the muscles in the area of the upper body by means of different depths of aspiration and different thinning of the upper fat layer and with the help of light and shadow, this is called the next level of surgical fat removal.
This new level is called High-Definition Liposuction. This development is very much linked to the modern VASER® technology, so that the modeling of the body with all its variations is now called VASER-Hi-Def® Lipo. The device and suction technique are used synonymously.
Thereby a High-Definition-Lipo can be performed without the VASER®. A HD-Lipo can also be performed with classic suction techniques. However, the VASER® technology is better and gentler. With the help of the ultrasonic energy of the VASER®, the fat can be dissolved very finely and as a surgeon you can work with thin cannulas even very close to the skin, which allows the definition and creation of positive and negative spaces for the plastic imaging of muscle zones.
This method and suction technique was developed in South America and the USA in recent years and is now also in increasing demand here in Europe. With this modern modelling technique, fat deposits around muscle groups can be removed in a targeted and precise manner to make muscles such as the six-pack stand out. In the further course of the procedure, muscle groups, e.g. on the upper arms or in the buttocks, can be additionally defined with the help of an autologous fat transfer. Of course, the six-pack/two-pack in the abdominal area can also be emphasized with lipofilling.
A great advantage of the VASER®lipo in addition to the otherwise common methods of liposuction is the excellent tightening effect for skin and connective tissue. Especially in the area of the abdomen, waist and hips, very beautiful results can be achieved with VASER®lipo. But also in the area of flanks and upper arms as well as on the chin and cheeks, exactly where we depend on optimal skin tightening for a perfect result.